Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Air Powered Car by Tatas. Had to share this

Tatas have a reputation of really looking after their employees. After the Taj hotel, owned by the Tatas, was invaded by machine gun totting killers from another country, Ratan Tata took it upon himself to not only look after the Taj staff but also many others. After doing so much for them, he agonised if he'd done enough. Here's the link to that article. http://wadias.in/site/arzan/blog/the-tata-gesture-post-2811-mumbai-terror-attacks/

It is the very same Tatas who are now about to embark on this new and exciting technological venture. I couldn't be happier for them and wish them every success.

Note: Since writing this the link I had posted was giving me the old 404 error - doesn't exist. Still here's another - http://www.popularmechanics.com/cars/news/preview-concept/4217016  I wrote recently (June 2011) to Tatas asking about the car and they wrote back saying it was still very much in the future. Hope they can do it. We are all routing for you TATAs.


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